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October 2023

We're delighted to welcome Rachel Chiu to the team as a Norwich Biosciences BBSRC DTP funded PhD student,. Also for their final year research projects Lili Featherstone (MChem) and Lucy Marsden (BSc Molecular Biology and Genetics).


September 2023

Work led by Jessica van Wonderen using Liquid-chromatography mass spectrometry to describe post-translational modification of Shewanella outer membrane proteins is published in BBA Biomembranes.


July 2023

Delighted to see this paper Rational Design of Covalent Multiheme Cytochrome-Carbon Dot Biohybrids for Photoinduced Electron Transfer published in Advanced Functional Materials. A productive of our fruitful collaboration with the groups of Lars Jeuken (Leiden) and Erwin Reisner (Cambridge).


June 2023

Best wishes and Congratulations to all our project students on Graduating. Many thanks for your help moving our research forward. Special mention to Archie Crook who was join winner of the prize for 'Best Performance in Final Year Research Project: Biological Chemistry'. We also welcome two new team members, Keir Whiting studying for an MRes, and Lucy Marsden on the UEA Wellcome Trust and NRPDTP Vacation Scholarship programme.


October 2022

Welcome to this year's project students: Rachel Chiu, Abi Connolly, Archie Crook and Adam Youell. 


September 2002

This month former PhD student Leon Jenner sees his work 'Reaction of Thiosulfate Dehydrogenase with a Substrate Mimic Induces Dissociation of the Cysteine Heme Ligand Giving Insights into the Mechanism of Oxidative Catalysis' published in J. Am. Chem. Soc. 


August 2022

Work led by former PhD student Sam Piper 'Photocatalytic Removal of the Greenhouse Gas Nitrous Oxide by Liposomal Microreactors' was published in Angew.Chemie Int. Ed.


June 2022

Congratulations to all our final year project students on Graduation and a big thank you for your contributions to our research this year. Special mention to Mary and Alex who were joint winners of the prize for 'Best Performance in Final Year Research Project: Biological Chemistry'. Also Congratulations to Colin, nominated for a Transforming Teaching Award for his 'Outstanding support and teaching' during project student supervision.

We're also delighted to welcome to Abi Connolly to the group for a Summer Internship.


October 2021

Congratulations to Jessica van Wonderen on leading studies, recently published in PNAS, to measure heme-to-heme electron transfer rates in an extracellular multiheme cytochrome nanowire. This work was a fantastic collaboration between ourselves and the groups of Steve Meech (UEA), Jochen Blumberger (UCL), Mike Towrie and Igor Sazanovich (Central Laser Facility, Harwell Campus) and Lars Jeuken (Leeds/Leiden).  

We're also delighted to welcome this year's final year project students to the team; Mary Emmerson, Alex Sutton-Cook and Adam Greenhalgh.


August 2021

Congratulations to Sam Piper on leading our work to assemble 'Bespoke Biomolecular Wires for Transmembrane Electron Transfer' and that was recently published in Frontiers in Microbiology.


July 2021

Julea's honored and delighted to receive the 2021 Katsumi Niki Prize for Bioelectrochemistry from the International Society of Electrochemistry.


June 2021

Jessica presents her latest research on heme-heme electron transfer in a photosensitised multiheme cytochrome at the Royal Society of Chemistry's 2021 Dalton Joint Interest Group Meeting.


May 2021

Many congratulations to Sam on a successful PhD thesis defence. 


April 2021

Welcome to Dr Colin Lockwood who joins us to develop 'Chemically Diverse Biomolecular Wires'. Funded by the Leverhulme Trust, this exciting project is a collaboration with Dr Amit Sachdeva, Dr Tom Clarke and

Prof Steve Meech.


March 2021

Congratulations to Lewis, selected to present his research findings as the Student Highlight Talk at the 4th Annual National Natural Sciences Student Conference 2021. Congratulations to Laura and Jordan whose voltammetry of Campylobacter flavodoxin, performed in a recent summer project, features in a recently published Mol. Microbiol. paper describing work led by David Kelly (Sheffield).


February 2021

Three new teams members join us. Final year Biochemistry students Aida Mohd Nazam and Marianna Tomkins will be assisting our studies of MtrC. Our social media will be enhanced by Natural Scientist Katie Sutton in her Science Communications project. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram  @juleab_lab.


November 2020

Two papers in J. Phys. Chem. Lett. led by our collaborator Jochen Blumberger (UCL, UK) consider electron flux through multiheme cytochrome biomolecular wires. One discusses electron transport between two gold electrodes connected by a 3 nm tetraheme STC bioelectronic junction and measurements performed by the group of David Cahen (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel). The other uses the recently published structures of Shewanella MtrCAB and Geobacter OmcS biomolecular wires as the basis for predicting their relative electron transfer efficiencies.   


October 2020

Welcome to this year's new team members, Laura Alfs starts her PhD studies and Lewis Williams joins us for his Masters level research project. Both will be helping us learn more about the properties of, and possible applications for, photosensitised biomolecular wires.


April 2020

Our paper describing the crystal structure of the Shewanella MTR outer membrane spanning electron conduit is published in Cell. The MTR protein complex allows electron exchange between electrodes and enzymes inside the bacteria. This property underpins electricity production by microbial fuel cells and microbial electrosynthesis of clean chemicals using electricity as green energy. Led by Marcus Edwards and Tom Clarke, our work reveals the MTR complex is a biological insulated molecular wire. 


October 2019

We welcome Laura Alfs, Holly Anderson and Josh Burton to the group for their final year research projects.


September 2019

Congratulations to Sam Piper. He was awarded the prize for best talk at the School of Chemistry's Research Day. Our paper in JACS reports heme-heme electron transfer dynamics in solutions of a Shewanella multiheme cytochrome. The results demonstrate the opportunities for pump-probe spectroscopies to quantify interheme electron transfer in Ru-labelled multiheme cytochromes. The work is a collaboration with the groups of Steve Meech (UEA), Jochen Blumberger (UCL) and Igor Sazanovich and Mike Towrie (Central Laser Facility, Research Complex at Harwell).


July 2019

Congratulations to Leon Jenner on being awarded his PhD for biophysical characterisation of di-heme thiosulfate dehydrogenases.


The front cover of Faraday Discussion 215: Artificial Photosynthesis highlights our manuscript describing membrane-spanning cytochromes as conduits for light-driven electron transfer across lipid-bilayers. Inspired by biological photosynthesis where charge separation occurs across thylakoid membranes, our work was performed in collaboration with the groups of Lars Jeuken (Leeds) and Erwin Reisner (Cambridge).


June 2019

The group welcomes Laura Alfs and Jordan Swann for summer internships learning techniques of protein film electrochemistry.


We enjoyed a great day at the Royal Norfolk Show introducing visitors to electrically conductive proteins and explaining their potential contirbutions to sustainable technologies.


February 2019

Welcome to Emanuele Boni from Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy. Emanuele joins the lab for his final year research project.


October 2018

Our paper on photoreduction of a tetraheme cytochrome is featured on the front cover of ChemBioChem.  The work was led by Jessica van Wonderen, Daobo Li and Sam Piper.  Our study on electron transport in a tetraheme cytochrome led by David Cahen and Kavita Garg features on the inside cover of Chemical Science.


We were busy throughout Technology Day at the Norwich Science Festival as numerous guests enjoyed our interactive display exploring energy, microbial fuel cells and electricity conducing proteins.


September 2018

Welcome to Izzy Ivory, Tom Petty and Charlie Stokes who join the group for their final year research projects and to Anna Ondrackova a PhD student from Brno, Czech Republic who joins us for 3 month exchange. 


August 2018

Leon wins a book voucher from the Royal Society of Chemistry for his poster 'Native Sulphur Chemistry Acts as a Switch for Electron Transfer Between Protein Redox Centres' at EuroBic 2018, Birmingham, UK. 


July 2018

The group are a the Latitude Festival in Suffolk show casing their research with an interactive display in the Kids Zone.


June 2018

Jack Jones joins the lab for his Summer Vacation Studentship funded by the Biochemical Society.


May 2018

Welcome to Zuzana Babkova a PhD student from Brno, Czech Republic who joins us for 3 month exchange.


April 2018

Fabien Chappert  from the University of Toulouse begins his 3 month project support by the Erasmus scheme for undergraduate students.


March 2018

Marc Arderiu Romero from the University of Barcelona begins his 3 month project support by the Erasmus scheme for undergraduate students.


December 2017

Congratulations to Sam Rowe on a successful defense of his PhD thesis.


September 2017

Sam Piper's poster 'Photoreduction of an Extracellular Cytochrome' wins another prize - this time at the School of Chemistry's Research Day.


July 2017

Sam Piper wins a prize for his poster 'Photoreduction of an Extracellular Cytochrome' at the meeting of the Bioelectrochemical Society in Lyon, France.


June 2017

Leah Bundy joins the lab with a Summer Vacation Studentship funded by the Biochemical Society.


February 2017

Dr Daobo Li joins us for a 1 year research fellowship funded by Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou NanoScience and Technology (NANO-CIC) and the Chinese Collaborative Academic Training Program for Post-doctoral Fellows.


November 2016

Work led by Emma Ainsworth and Colin Lockwood features on the front cover of ChemBioChem.

Copyright: Julea Butt Group

Contact: Prof Julea Butt

              School of Chemistry

              University of East Anglia

              Norwich Research Park

              Norwich, UK

              NR4 7TJ


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