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'Friday Lunchtime Seminar' IET, Savoy Place, London 2023

Delighted to have been joined by Prof. Yannis Ieropoulos (Univ. Southampton) for an enthusiastic discussion of  Bioelectricity and Biowires with members of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

SynBio 4 Schools Launch 2022

Developed by OpenPlant scientists from across the University of Cambridge, Norwich Research Park and beyond, we we're delighted to have contributed to this FREE to use resource. SynBio 4 Schools, aims to inspire and educate the next generation of biological engineers. Find out more here.   

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Norwich Science Festival 2021

Fantastic fun exploring 'Bacteria for the Future' and growing a biofilm formed of bacteria with wonderful new properties.   

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Royal Norfolk Show 2019

We had a great day introducing guests to the proteins that conduct electricity across bacterial cell walls and explaining how this behaviour inspires the development of sustainable biotechnology.  


Hello Habitat Hunters of the Norwich Science Festival 2018 

We hope you enjoyed seeing microbial fuel cells in action and exploring electrical proteins in virtual reality.















We also asked you two questions. 


Q: How many bacteria are there in a teaspoon of soil?

A: Soil can contain as many as a billion (1,000,000,000) bacteria!! That's as many as all the people who live in Europe and the USA.

You can read more here.


Q: How many different kinds of bacteria are there on Earth?

A: Short answer, no-one knows but we can try to make a good guess. Estimates of the number of species of microbes (bacteria, fungi and more) vary from around a million (1,000,000) up to a trillion (1,000,000,000,000)! We only know about 100,000 of them so far... ... 

You can read more here.


Other facts:

  • there could be about 100,000,000,000,000 microbes living inside you right now, most of them are friendly and help you in lots of ways.

  • if all the viruses in the world were strung together they would reach over 100,000,000 light years, far enough to reach to other galaxies.


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Latitude Festival 2018

Our interactive display 'Life without oxygen?' created lots of interest at the Latitude festival. Visitors converted energy from one form to another, learnt about bacteria isolated from different parts of the world  and explored how some bacteria generate clean electricity. Our display was produced in collaboration with the SAW Trust and you can read more about the event here.

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